Sunday, February 27, 2011

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire is one of those bands that you expect to crumble under their own success. Fortunately that hasn't happened... yet. They've managed to stay together long enough for them to put out this brilliant new album: "The Suburbs".
The Suburbs is an album that you actually need to listen to to actually like it. You can't just pick up the album, find a few songs that you like and then put them on shuffle while you cook some delicious pancakes for me. No this album needs to be appreciated like Jimi Hendrix needs to be close to a guitar.
The whole album kind of runs into one another. Each song exists with the other and it's quite easy to pick out different aspects from one song in another. But to start at the start (and not at the beginning) THE SUBURBS! (tha- that's the first song). IT IS INCREDIBLE. This is not my favorite song of the whole album but it is definitely a gem that fits the album's opening.
I'm going to keep this short as there are a few other reviews on the way. So basically the best song according to me is Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains). It is a bit of an odd song out as it features a female voice instead of the usual male voice that heads the band. The general style of the song is a bit more electronic than the other songs featuring a bit of an interesting synthesizer lead that I am yet to find in any other song.
Okay so basically I cannot find anything else to say on this album other than JESUS CHRIST BUY IT. THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU. Or maybe it's Satan... I can never remember. GOODNIGHT/GOOD MORNING

-Alex (not cook)

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